Thursday, February 18, 2010

Princess Lea

Here she is! So proud that she can stand up. Stable? Not a bit! But she loves it. She pulls herself up wherever possible (here she had a little help). She even pulls herself in to and out of things like her basinette and laundry baskets. She sure is a curious one!

Today she was sporting her pretties winter dress (thanks Aunt Kathrin!). She must really like it, because at the end of the day it was still clean :-)
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

We are Eskimos!

Lucas is feeling MUCH better. Thank goodness. We had a slow start to the day, he was afraid to sit up but once he got a dose of painkiller and rested a little bit longer he was good to know.

After breakfast he agreed to go for a walk to get donuts (today is the last day where they are available, lent starts tomorrow). Lucas and Lea piled up on the sled we headed off. Luckily there is still quite a bit of snow and Lucas only has to get off to cross the street. On the way home he even got off, walked a bit and played in the snow banks. We also had a very valuable lesson in yellow snow today. Lucas threw snow in the air and a bit landed on Lea's face. She stuck out her tongue and sucked it up. Lucas looked at me funny and I said it was okay, it would turn to water in her mouth. So, Lucas turned around, grabbed some snow and put it in his mouth. It wasn't until it was in his mouth that I realized he had just grabbed it from the yellow mound behind him! I made him spit it out and since he's still well I assume it's not going to kill him. We did take the opportunity to discuss which colour snow can be eaten in the future.
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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lucky Luke

Lucky Luke jumped on the couch
Lucky Luke flew off and said ouch
Mama and Papa and all the Doc's men
Couldn't glue Lucas together again 

Just when we thought the week couldn't get any more painful - it happened.
It was Saturday afternoon and Lucas and his Dad were watching Football. As Ralph was watching the TV and I was feeding Lea, Lucas decided that the best way to watch the game would be from a trampoline (i.e. the couch). Usually this isn't a problem; Lucas is a great and careful couch jumper. But he forgot the rule - only in the middle and without the cushions. Sure enough, before we could tell him to knock it off, right before my very eyes he jumped up, landed on a pillow and was projected backwards from the couch and landed head first on the floor. There is nothing more painful than watching your child hurt itself and not be able to do anything to stop it from happening. 

At first we thought he just had a bump on his head. So once he was calmed down I went and did the grocery shopping. But when I got back Ralph mentioned that he was not able to turn his head left of right and he complained when he was touched. Not good. So after a Smartie Joghurt the boys headed off to the emergency room. Many hours, one 120 page book and an x-ray later they returned. Lucas is now wearing a cool "back pack" which holds his colar bone stable and in approx. 3 weeks he will supposedly be back to normal.

Until then, any suggestions of how to keep him amused? Today he's vegging on the couch and we have resorted to a little TV but that's not a long term solution. I'm hoping that by mid-week he can move around a little without flintching with every movement. Here's hoping that the next 3 weeks aren't painful for all of us!