Lea's Milestones

  • February 16:
    Lea started pulling herself in to and out of her carriage bassinette (when it was on the floor).
    While standing, she managed to move from the chair to the table (which were really close together, but still impressive)
  • February 25:
    Lea's favorite hang-out is under the table. She like's to pull herself up on Lucas' chair. Today she figured how to shuffle along and then transfer to the next chair. Very wobbly! I'm debatting buying Madame a helmut.
  • February 26:
    We all heard it - even Lucas: mamamama. It doesn't really count as a first word, but she
    does mumble it when she's upset and looking for me.
  • February 27:
    One night without Mommy and already she's able to say Papa!
  • March 3:
    During our weekly swimming class, Lea started to babble (bababa, etc.).
  • March 6:
    What an exciting evening! At Christina's Lea started sitting and crawling (must have been a very stimulating environment).
  • April:
    Lea pulls herself up everywhere. She uses chairs, her trapeze and anything else that she can find to push as a walker. 
  • May:
    The first three teeth! The bottom two broke through at the same time and a few days later the top front tooth.
  • July 13:
    Lea's first steps. Oma got the privelage of seeing them first. But Ralph and I got to see lots of them once we got home.
  • July 24:
    Lea got her first shoes! We bought cute Mary-Janes and nice stable walking shoes.