Monday, May 31, 2010

Lea's trip to the hospital

There's never a dull moment in our household. Just when you think that you might be up for a "normal" day, someone will shake things up.

Last Thursday it was Lea's turn. After a very bad night, she returned to bed shortly after having woken up. When I went to check on her I noticed she was breathing very quickly. After an hour it was clear that this was not normal so we headed off to the pediatricians. Thankfully they were able to squeeze us in. When I got there I couldn't find a parking spot so I parked on the emergency spot in front of the building. Turns out it was reserved for situations just like ours. Lea was having problems breathing and was not getting enough oxygen. So a few tests and phone calls later we were off to the clinic.

Once admitted then had Lea hooked up to a sensor which monitered her oxygen saturation and her pulse. Our poor baby! She quickly became a trooper and put up with the tubes and wires. She didn't however appreciate the inhalation - she put up a fight every time! She is a fighter though. By Friday afternoon her fever was gone and she was able to go off the oxygen for a half-hour in order to go and play. She really was tired of being confined to her crib and the area in front of it. She was quickly returning to her busy self.

By the evening she was doing much better and her appetite had returned. The nurses decided to try the night without oxygen. She got through and in the morning her vitals were good so they let us go home! Thank goodness!

Now she's back to her normal self. Except that she seems to have lost her voice. Lea usually has a very schrill cry when she's upset but I haven't heard it for days now. She has developed the habit of spitting to communicate her dissaproval though. Tomorrow it's back to the doctor's office then. Better to be safe than sorry. We really don't want another trip to the hospital.

By the way. This picture was taken Saturday morning. Little miss is using her breakfast pretzel as a telephone!
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