Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Do you ever look back on a day and wonder if there is such a thing as fate? I often look back and think wow, if this or that hadn't of happened then I wouldn't be here today. Take Ralph for example; had I not changed my major I would never would have met him.

Anyway, Monday was one of those funny days where at the end of the day you realize that things had to work out the way they did. In the morning at breakfast I tried to convince Lucas that we were going to the gym. He was determined we were going to IKEA (he wanted to go to Smaland and not to the gym's kid's club). So we stayed at home. After a heated discussion regarding brushing teeth and a very lenghty time out we finally left the house for a walk (Lucas) and nap (Lea). We were only a few streets away when my phone rang and who should be on the other end but Jeff! He missed his connecting flight in Munich and wouldn't be heading out until 3pm - would we like to come out for lunch? I told Lucas that Jeff was stuck at the airport and he was all excited about going to the airport to help him (it wasn't until half-way to the airport that I finally figured out that Lucas thought he was genuinely stuck and that is why we needed to rush). So we got to visit with Jeff before he headed off to see Steve, which was really nice. It's always great to see familiar faces and catch up. We're really looking forward to Jeff coming back again around Easter time. 

Funny, had I won and gotten Lucas to go to the gym we never would have seen Jeff...

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