Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Something I must confess...

I have an addiction to sweets. When Lucas was a baby I had a NEED for Nutella - hold the bread please. I would eat spoonfulls of it every day; justify my dulgence by saying a nursing mother needs the extra calories. When we would take the glass to the recycling Ralph would awe at the number of jars we went through in such a short period of time.

Since Lea I've managed to lay off the Nutella (except the occasional slice of bread at breakfast). No, I've found something better to "keep up my energy" - cake. German cake. In Obermenzing, where we live, there is a great bakery with lots of homemade cake. This bakery also happens to conveniently be located around the corner from where Lea and I go swimming every Wednesday. Now what nursing mother could resist the temptation of picking up a  piece of cake on the way home after 3/4 hour of swimming in a very warm pool? Not this one. For months now I have been doing this, savoring each bite and slowy working my way through their assortment.

Today however, when I went to get my weekly fix (plus a yummy seasonal donut - another weakness I have developed in the last three years. But that is another story) I had to pay a higher than expected price. Today it was snowing and wet and slippery. Lea was in her car seat and awake so I didn't want to leave her in front of the store as I usually do. This bakery however has 5 steps leading up to it. Usually this is not a problem, but as I said it was slippery today. So I bumped the stroller up the first three steps. I guess I really need to have the eyes in the back of my head checked, because I missed number four, slipped, smashed in to the corner of the step and jammed my foot on / between (I'm not sure which) the stroller and the stair. Now my pride and my arse and foot were hurting deeply. I sucked it up though - the child comes first. Lea was fine, I managed to compose myself, got my fix and hobbled home. Driving was a bit tough; luckily I didn't have to clutch too often. Now here I sit, having just inhaled my weekly fix and debating what to do with my aching and throbbing foot. I hope it's only bruised and not broken. Only the doctor can tell.

I knew addictions could be dangerous, I just didn't realize how so. I was willing to deal with the few extra inches on my waist, but this, this I did not expect. I think until the ground thaws, this habit has got to be put on ice!

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